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40시간 가정 폭력 옹호자 교육(DVAT)

가정폭력 생존자들과 함께 일하고 싶거나 지식을 넓히고 싶으신가요? 휴먼 옵션의 40시간 주정부 의무 워크숍에 등록하세요! 봄과 가을에 격년으로 제공되는 이 가정 폭력 시리즈는 [...]

Fall Luncheon 2022: Igniting Social Change

We invite you to join us on 목요일, 10월 20  at the Marriott Irvine Spectrum from 11:30am-1:30pm, for our Fall Luncheon Event: Igniting Social Change featuring Taylor Armstrong, author, reality […]


라이온스 파크 잔디밭 570 W 18th St, 코스타 메사, 캘리포니아, 미국

Join us on 10월 25 from 6:00-7:30 PM in partnership with City of Costa Mesa and Costa Mesa Police Department, as we transform our community and walk with purple lights to show our […]

Sisterhood Give Back Event

Minnie Street Family Resource Center 1300 E McFadden Ave, Santa Ana, CA, United States

This Thanksgiving, 50 families need your help! The holidays are around the corner and the families in our programs need your helping hands! Join us in making Thanksgiving special for […]