October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM)
Human Options is looking to YOU to help raise awareness during October to support victims and survivors to end the cycle of violence for future generations. Click here to read more about this growing public health issue, or learn the Facts & Stats!
- Stop by our table go get resources and learn more about Human Options as we kick off DVAM at OC Pride on October 5th
- Prevent domestic violence from perpetuating and learn about this important issue. Join our Fall Luncheon on October 11th
- Protect future generations by calling on your networks and colleagues to learn more about the root causes of abuse. Host a presentation at your office, agency, or school. Request a presentation today!
- Take our LOVE SHOULDN’T HURT Quiz!
- Empower your community by wearing purple on October 17th, also known as Purple Thursday! Share on social media and tag us @HumanOptions
- Educate yourself by joining our free 1 hour presentation on October 29th from 10am-11am for a general Overview of Relationship Violence and Best Practices for Non DV Advocates. Click here to register!
- Join us for our Annual Shine the Light Walking Vigils to honor and show solidarity for victims and survivors of relationship violence. Help transform our communities to light city purple and show our commitment to ending relationship violence as we partner with our cities and law enforcement to ignite change. Click the links below for more information!
- October 9th – Inaugural Shine the Light Vigil- Santa Ana
- October 16th – 2nd Annual Shine the Light Vigil- Irvine
- October 24th – 3rd Annual Shine the Light Vigil- Costa Mesa
- October 9th – Inaugural Shine the Light Vigil- Santa Ana
We need your support as we practice #SAFELOVE to increase awareness in Orange County because together WE are stronger!