#ShineTheLight Walking Vigil – Costa Mesa

Lions Park Lawn 570 W 18th St, Costa Mesa, CA, United States

Join us for our 3rd Annual Shine the Light Walking Vigil to honor and show solidarity for victims and survivors of relationship violence in partnership with City of Costa Mesa and Costa Mesa Police Department. Help transform our communities to light city purple and show our commitment to ending relationship violence as we partner with our […]

#ShineTheLight Walking Vigil – Irvine

Heritage Park 14301 Yale Ave, Irvine, CA, United States

Join us for our 2nd Annual Shine the Light Walking Vigil to honor and show solidarity for victims and survivors of relationship violence in partnership with City of Irvine and Irvine Police Department. Help transform our communities to light city purple and show our commitment to ending relationship violence as we partner with our cities and […]

Maratón Hoag OC - Correr por una causa

OC Fair & Event Center 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa, CA, Estados Unidos

¡Únete al equipo de Human Options en el Hoag OC Maratón! Correr, recaudar fondos, y hacer una diferencia para los sobrevivientes de la violencia de pareja Estamos encantados de anunciar que Human Options será [...]