Human Options is looking to you to help bring awareness throughout the month of February and rise against Teen Dating Violence and promote #HEALTHYLOVE. Lend your voice by participating in our Love Shouldn’t Hurt Campaign!
Protect future generations by calling in your networks and community to understand the root causes of abuse by hosting an information session at your office, agency, school, etc. Request a presentation today!
Empower others to rise with us and wear Orange on February 6th! Follow us on social media and share your orange to raise awareness! Click the button below to access our TDVAPM Campaign Toolkit!
Transform yourself by participating in our free 9th Annual Love Shouldn’t Hurt Teen Conference on February 10 at Early College High School in Costa Mesa. To REGISTER click the button below!
Stay connected & Follow us on social media!
Share your support by including the hashtag, #HEALTHYLOVE
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