April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and at Human Options we are committed to keeping each child free from abuse and violence. During this month our Family Resource Centers have some great activities and events planned. Check out and download our flyers below! Share and register for our events!
Some of the biggest victims of relationship violence are sometimes the youngest. Unfortunately, 65% of adults that abuse their partner physically and/or sexually abuse their children in the home.
In recognition of this month, here are some ways to show your support and to illuminate the intersection between Child Abuse and Relationship Violence:
- ”Blue Mondays”– Wear Blue every Monday this month!
- Color a flower (see attached), as a form of self-care to recognize Child Abuse Prevention Month!
- Follow Human Options on social media and share our posts to spread information and awareness
April Blue Ribbon Calendar ENG 2021
April Blue Ribbon Calendar SPA 2021
English Ongoing NMFRC April Event
Spanish Ongoing NMFRC April Event
Flower Coloring Sheet