Aurora’s Story

Aurora was a stay-at-home mom taking care of her four children and struggling to find stable housing. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, she worked to support her family but quit her job after she had her youngest son. She always tried to make the relationship with her abusive partner work because she wanted her children to have both parents in their lives. Unfortunately, Aurora was forced to move to keep her family safe. Before arriving to Human Options, they had stayed at another emergency shelter. Aurora did not have a restraining order against her abusive partner and would allow him to visit the children in a safe place. One night, he followed her and tried forcing his way inside through the window and broke the screen. She was terrified that he would hurt her and force them to return home. Aurora informed the manager, and the police were called. They were safely transferred and entered our shelter.

Upon her arrival, Aurora was connected to case management, therapy, and legal advocacy services. She had obtained a Temporary Restraining Order and needed assistance preparing for her upcoming hearing. Her legal advocate Amelia helped her prepare for her Domestic Violence Restraining Order hearing, supplied education on immigration relief, provided transportation and accompanied her to court. With this support, she was able to obtain a three-year restraining order after the hearing with full legal and physical custody of her children. Aurora was filled with mixed emotions but understood that obtaining this order was going to keep her and her children safe. Her abusive partner remains in jail and has criminal charges pending. Since entering our shelter, Aurora is grateful for the support she’s received. Currently, she is working with her legal advocate to connect with an immigration clinic to learn more about the U-Visa and if she qualifies. She continues to work with her case manager and therapist, attending groups weekly as part of her healing journey.


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