Bailey’s Story

Prior to participating in Human Options services, Bailey was working in the educational field, living with her partner Oliver and was expecting her first child. During her pregnancy, she noticed Oliver’s unusual behavior. He gradually began to abuse her physically and verbally. After her first daughter was born, the physical and verbal abuse intensified as he began to financially abuse her. He falsified her credit card information which alerted Bailey to act, choosing what is best for her and her daughter’s future. She reached out for help in hopes of obtaining a restraining order but was unsuccessful. Distressed and feeling trapped, she stayed in the relationship and tried to make it work. After two years, she became pregnant again and shortly after began to receive eviction notices. Bailey discovered that for the past few months, Oliver had been withholding funds for himself from her bank account, funds that she had set aside to pay rent. With escalating threats and the risk of being homeless, she took a leap of faith and began to look into a restraining order once again.

After recognizing she needed to find a way to get out while working through the restraining order process, she connected with Human Options and found assistance right away. She was linked to a Case Manager, who then assisted her to find housing. After having been qualified and accepted, she was able to move into her new apartment. Bailey feels she now has the freedom to fight for herself and her kids. She can provide a safe space for her children to grow and learn in a healthier environment free of fear.


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By: Maricela Rios-Faust, Chief Executive Officer As I look back on the past year, I remain grateful to each of you, our community of caring individuals and partners, for your

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